"I think we recognize that the more people-to-people contact the two countries have, the greater the opportunities there are together," concluded Brett Raymond O'Riley, chief executive of the Employers & Manufacturers Association (EMA), the largest of its kind in the country, after joining other people in the business and commercial circle in a meeting with Chinese Premier Li Qiang during his visit to New Zealand.
In a recent interview with China News Network, O'Riley emphasized the significant role played by Rewi Alley, a New Zealand writer and social activist, in strengthening the bilateral relationship through his six decades of work alongside the Chinese people. He believes that the friendly exchanges between the two peoples will continue to flourish with China's visa-waiving policy for New Zealand visitors, which is expected to create more opportunities for cooperation. O'Riley also expressed hope for a similar policy to be implemented by New Zealand in the near future. (Lin Zhuowei)
欧百利表示,新西兰作家及社会活动家路易·艾黎(Rewi Alley)曾在华奋斗六十载,为新中两国关系作出了巨大的贡献,而如今中国对新西兰推出免签政策,更将进一步推动两国人民的交流往来,为两国带来更多发展机遇。(林卓玮)
作者: 乌鲁木齐 🧥
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