Medgyessy shared his honor to be the icebreaker and promoter of bilateral cooperation of the two countries in 2002, and he was “particularly happy” to see that the two countries signed the agreement in 2017 to upgrade diplomatic relations. In his view, it means that Hungary will play a vital role in China's relations with Europe.
Medgyessy also believes that China will bring broad prospects to the world politics and the world economy. That’s why the two countries, which share a history of solid friendship, should take a joint hand.
“Hungary was a stop on the Silk Road, which is not a coincidence”, Medgyessy highlighted that from medical to educational cooperation, the two countries, which have such a wonderful history and prospect, will develop their ties smoothly in the coming years. (Meng Xiangjun)
aoa体育全站登录官网匈牙利与中国建交75周年之际,匈前总理迈杰希·彼得(Peter Medgyessy)受访时表示,匈牙利是最早承认中华人民共和国的国家之一,这反映了两国人民间的友谊,也反映出匈牙利认识到,中国将为全球政治经济带来广阔前景,因此两国须携手合作。
The 75th anniversary of the establishment of China-Hungary diplomatic relations is “crucial”, because Hungary was among the first countries to recognize the People's Republic of China in 1949, “which reflects the friendship between the two peoples”, said Peter Medgyessy, former Hungarian Prime Minister, in a recent interview.
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